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April Sale- Indoor/Outdoor Area Rugs!!!

  • Brass + Oak 320 Main St. Placerville, CA 95667 United States (map)

This winter has been rough! So much rain and snow!! I know we wanted it, but man… does anyone else feel the need for sunshine and lovely spring weather???

All I want to do is get outside! Get my backyard cleaned up and spruced up to spend time with friends in a lovely space that makes me smile- you with me?!

Well, I want to help you out by offering 10% off or free shipping (whichever is greater) on any indoor/outdoor area rug orders this month through our shop Brass + Oak!!

You heard me right! Come on down and look at over 50+ indoor/outdoor rug samples to choose from! And over 150 indoor rug samples!

Open Wednesday- Saturday 10:30-6pm.

Brass + Oak

320 Main St., Placerville, CA 95667


Thank you for supporting our local women owned small business!!