If you are anything like us, you are feeling relieved, excited, and overwhelmed as we return to our new “normal.” Daily we start to reopen schools and sports, shopping and dining, and there are constant little signs that life is coming back at us. . . quickly! But also if you are like us, you are feeling a ton of gratitude for those who carried us through this last year; zooming and punting with each new change and keeping things as normal as possible so that families and businesses could keep up with the constant change and our families could continue to thrive. We love you moms!
It’s time to spoil her! Boy does she deserve it. We want to celebrate all she has carried you through this year, but also the fact that hosting and FUN that we’ve craved and waited forever for are now rapidly approaching. We may be biased but we think she is going to love this return to normal and the many ways you can love on her and celebrate all the things that we’ve been waiting for.
Interested? Stumped? We got you! Check out social media, pop into the shop and chat with us, or shoot us a message to take advantage of our expertise and make sure she feels as loved and appreciated as she deserves this year. We are pretty darn good at putting together sweet gift baskets that honor her passions and interests and a friendly reminder that both Teacher’s Appreciation Week and Nurses Appreciation Week are both celebrated the first 2 weeks of May as well. Consider grouping a few of your faves together to give her something she truly wants and values over the boring Starbucks gift card. We know you know she deserves it.
3 Marble Pinch Pots & Brass Spoons S/7 $50
Tall Taper Holder - blk s/2 $38 Blk Taper Holder 3” - s/2 $28 Gold Candle Holder s/2 $38
Tapers (square/column/cone) s/2 $25.75-$39
Kitchen Flour Sack Towels $14
Blesssings Custom Lg Candle $45 Star Sq. Tray $51
Oak Board Lg $91.75
Assorted Turkish Towels - grey, black, blush, grey tie-dye $41-$44
Cookbook Holder $150 - Assorted Cooking and Bar Books range $20 - $35
Check out our small business Main Street Mother’s Day Giveaway from a collection of our favorite spots in Placerville on both Facebook and Instagram for a chance to win all these amazing items!
Brass + Oak
320 Main Street
Placerville, CA
FB @brassandoak IG @brassandoakhome